ACORD Standards Converter API (AL3, ACORD XML, ELabels)  

API Base URL:  


Terms and Conditions:


Supported Lines of Business:

Personal Line Of Business (use these codes while creating the template)

Dwelling Fire - DFIREP

Homeowners - HOMEP

Inland Marine - INMARP

Mobile Home - MHOMEP


Automobile - AUTOP

Umbrella - UMBP

Flood (Personal or Commercial) - FLOODP

Personal Package - PKGP

Header Groups - HEADER_GROUPS

Commercial Line Of Business (use these codes while creating the template)

Direct Bill Commission - DBC

Business Automobile - AUTOC

Worker’s Compensation - WCC

Commercial General Liability - LIABC

Property - PROPC

Crime - CRIMEC

Inland Marine - INMARC

Garage & Dealers- GARAGEC

Umbrella - UMBC

Commercial Package- PKGC

Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)-BOPC

Commercial Package with BOP- PKGC_BOPC

Agriculture/Farm Package- AGRIC

  • Agriculture/Farm Property- AGPR
  • Agriculture/Farm Scheduled & Unscheduled Personal Property- AGPP
  • Agriculture/Farm Liability- AGLIA
  • Commercial General Liability - LIABC
  • Business Automobile - AUTOC
  • Umbrella - UMBC
  • Inland Marine - INMARC
  • Homeowners- HOMEP
  • Boiler and Machinery- BMC
  • Header Groups- HEADER_GROUPS


WinsurTech AL3 API  makes it very easy to accomplish the following:

  1. Download Files from the IVANS mailbox
  2. Convert AL3 files to JSON/CSV
  3. Create AL3 files from CSV/JSON templates
  4. Extract data and attachments from Claim Files

The API endpoints work for both Policy Transaction files and Direct Bill Commission Files. In addition, there are endpoints to fetch all the valid values (according to ACORD) for code lists and map NAIC code to the Carrier.

Download Files from the IVANS mailbox set of endpoints allow users to log in to IVANS with their respective mailbox credentials (IVANS Secret Key, IVANS Client Id, Mailbox Account Name, Mailbox User Id, and Mailbox Password). After login, users can fetch the details of all the files available in their respective mailbox account and then fetch each available file from the mailbox.

Convert CSV/JSON to ACORD AL3 Endpoints take a CSV/JSON file as an input, and convert it into an ACORD AL3 File or DAT file. There is one endpoint to generate template for different Lines of Business and another endpoint, to convert the generated templates into an AL3 file. Users are required to fill in the available values in the “Value” column and upload the CSV/JSON back into our AL3 Creation endpoint to create the AL3 file. It is not required to fill the values for the rows that are not applicable in your case.

Code List endpoints and Carrier Name endpoints are available to help the users further while preparing the CSV/JSON. These endpoints turn out to be helpful for users while preparing the CSV/JSON.

The Code List Names endpoint generates all the code list names as a response and contains al3_reference_id along with a description. Users can copy the reference Id from there, paste that ID in the Code List Values endpoint and use the required code from the output to add it to the Value column in the CSV/JSON Template for the AL3 file.

The Carrier Details endpoint will help the users to get the details related to the Carrier. The generated output contains the Carrier Name and NAIC Code for the Carrier that matches the substring entered.


Claims/ACORD XML to JSON Endpoints make it feasible to extract data from the Claims File into JSON output format and to extract images and documents embedded inside the Claim files. Claims files are downloaded from the users, respective, IVANS mailboxes.

How to view AL3 file contents on UI?

To view the AL3 files on screen, users can use WinsurTech  AL3 Viewer or WinsurTech  Web Viewer.


WinsurTech AL3 Viewer:

WinsurTech  Web Viewer:

Some important points:

  1. AL3 / DAT files are created by Carriers and they may have any extension although the most common extensions are. DAT and .AL3. Sometimes the files may have extensions like .001, .002, etc, or even. ZIP. Our API examines each file, irrespective of its extension.
  2. AL3 format is ACORD’s proprietary format to pack Policy and Direct Bill commission data into this format and the files are sent from Carriers to their agencies (mostly view IVANS).
  3. Although Claims Download files also have. DAT or.AL3 extension but these files are in ACORD XML format not in AL3 format. Claims data is parsed by a separate product of ours. Contact us at  for that.
  4. AL3 files for Policies can contain a variable amount of data. Some files contain only a single policy but some files may contain a large number of policies. Each policy in an AL3 file may be of a different Line of Business.
  5. Most of the AL3 files are in KBs rather than MBs. But "initial load" files from IVANS can be larger, like 2 MB or more. Our main /conversion endpoint can convert AL3 files of any size up to 1 MB. For a larger file, use our /callBack-conversion endpoint.
  6. Files with 10 to 200 KB size can be converted in less than 5 seconds but files that are 200+Kb and up to 1 Mb can take anywhere between 5 seconds to 40 seconds for conversion depending on the exact file size and traffic.
  7. / callBack-conversion  is not a real-time endpoint. It converts the data in the background and POSTS the response back to the CALLBACK URL you provide for your application. Make sure the URL works, is open for external traffic and you have written the code to receive JSON and process that.
  8. / callBack-conversion  can be used with any sized file. There are no restrictions related to file size in it.
  9. How to download postman collection

    • Import this collection to Postman.
    • There are two ways to access the API
    • User-secret
    • Access token

    Through User-secret
    • The User-secret key is automatically provided in the Postman collection.
    • To reset your secret key click on Click to reset

    **Click over the eye icon to view the secret key, you will need this key to call the Endpoints**

    **Each API has its own distinct user key, update the respective API key under the authorization tab**

    Through Access Token
    • To generate the Access token go to the login Endpoint and fill in your website login email ID, password, and user secret.

    • Copy the generated access token.
    • Go to the Header, click the Authorization tab, and paste the copied access token into the bearer Token.

    **The generated Access token will be valid for 30 minutes**

    A. AL3 Parser API


    AL3 Parser API makes it easy to extract different types of Policy data and Direct Bill Commission data from the AL3 file. This API converts Transaction Information, Insured Information, Basic Policy Information, Coverages, limits, deductibles, options, etc. Using the set of endpoints available in our API, you can extract this information one by one as required. In addition, you can extract Commission Summary Data and Commission Details Data for Direct Bill commission files. This API allows the user to get a response directly as well as from the callback URL provided by the user.

    1. Login


    This API endpoint allows the user to generate an access token for accessing the API.


    Request Method: GET
    Endpoint: BaseURL /login


    This endpoint enables the user to generate the access token to access the API. Users must provide email, password, and user-secret to generate the access token.

    Input Parameters:

    Key (Body Parameter)


    Default Value





    eg: demo@987



    eg: 738ee374g-o9hj-d284-808j-f8r0ijhk440


    In the Body Parameters (all required):

    • email: Enter your email ID provided for website login.
    • password: Enter the password provided for website login.
    • user_secret: Enter the user-secret provided on the website’s subscription page.

    Postman Screenshot

    2. Download Files From IVANS Mailbox


    These endpoints allow users to log in to IVANS with their, respective, mailbox credentials and fetch the information of all the files available in their mailbox account and then fetch each available file from the mailbox one by one. Both Policy Transaction Files and Direct Bill Commission Files can be downloaded and fetched.

    Endpoint Information

    User Authentication:  Each Endpoint needs a USER_SECRET/ACCESS_TOKEN parameter in the HEADER while making the request

    IVANS login

    Request Method: POST
    Endpoint: BaseURL /callback/ivans/login


    This endpoint enables the users to get the access token from IVANS for authorization purposes to access other API endpoints. Users must provide IVANS Secret Key, IVANS Client Id, Mailbox Account Name, Mailbox User Id, and Mailbox Password. After providing these details, an access_token is generated to pull files and their content from the mailbox.

    Input Parameters:

    Key (Body Parameter)


    Default Value


    eg: RR44A



    eg: YB333CJ



    eg: Summer2010!



    eg: 11AB1234-2345-12D2-A235-2AC05A12B345



    eg: 1233d254f-6e98-2df2-aa62-jc1234a2b121


    In the Body Parameters (all required):

    • mailbox_account: User's mailbox account provided by IVANS
    • mailbox_user_id: User's mailbox user id provided by IVANS
    • mailbox_password: User's mailbox password provided by IVANS
    • ivans_api_client_id: User's API client id provided by IVANS
    • ivans_api_client_secret: User's API client secret key provided by IVANS

    Postman Screenshot

    Copy this access token in the pre-request script and with the help of this access token users can pull files and file content from the other two endpoints.

    Pull Files Information

    Request Method: GET
    Endpoint: BaseURL /callback/ivans/pull-files-info


    This endpoint enables the users to fetch details about all the files available in the IVANS mailbox. Information on the accessible files reverberates with details like File Id, original name, remote name, status date, and the rest. The file Id returned here is used to call the adjacent endpoint to fetch the file.

    Input Parameters:

    Key (Body Parameter)


    Default Value


    eg: ZZ82B



    eg: DV566XY


    Postman Screenshot

    Pull File Content

    Request Method: GET
    Endpoint: BaseURL /callback/ivans/pull-file


    Users can fetch details of a particular file with the help of this endpoint, by providing its file_id received in the output of the pull-files-info endpoint. In mark_as_received, enter the value as true, if you want to mark the file as received and not show it in the file_info list of the "Pull Files Information" endpoint in the future. The default value is assumed to be false.

    Input Parameters:

    Key (Body Parameter)


    Default Value


    eg: 3374be83-c57f-4b97-b4c6-16fde72f6e6f



    eg: false


    Postman Screenshot

    • The file content is returned in the output.
    • Save the file_content within double quotes("")to a notepad file on your disk with a .al3 or .dat extension.
    • The Al3 file created can now be viewed in any AL3 viewer, links to our AL3 viewers are below:

    WinsurTech AL3 Viewer:

    WinsurTech  Web Viewer:

    3. Convert AL3 Files to JSON

With AL3 to JSON API endpoints, we make it easy to extract various types of Policy and Direct Bill Commission data from the AL3 file.

User Authentication:  Each Endpoint needs the USER_SECRET/ACCESS_TOKEN parameter in the HEADER while making the request

    AL3 to JSON/ CSV Conversion

    Request Method: POST
    Endpoint: BaseURL /conversion


    This is the main endpoint that converts an AL3 file to JSON/ CSV. This must be called before calling other endpoints. Once this call is made, users must note down the transaction Id they get back in the JSON Output.

    In case, the output size is 6MB or more than that, then the users will be notified in the output, regarding the same. In this scenario, the users are required to use the Download AL3 Conversion Output endpoint with the transaction Id to download the output.

    For package policies where multiple LOBs are packed within the same AL3 file, the output in JSON/CSV format is a zip file where each JSON/CSV has data of one sub-policy contained within the package.

    Input Parameters:

    Key (Body Parameter)


    Default Value


    eg: AUTOP_4_masked.al3



    eg: CSV/ ams_map / JSON / ams_map_raw / ams_map1



    eg: true/false



    eg: true/false



    eg: true/false



    eg: true/false



    eg: true/false



    eg: true/false


    • In input_file: Users need to upload the required AL3 file which they want to convert.
      • In output_format: Enter the desired output format you want the AL3 File to convert to i.e., JSON, ams_map, ams_map_raw, ams_map1, or CSV.
      • In omit_blank_values: Enter the value as true if you wish to omit the blank values from the output else enter false . The default value is  assumed to be true .
      • In omit_question_marks: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the element values containing question marks from the file else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be false.
      • In keep_alive: Enter the value as true if you want the output file to be saved for 2 hours at WinsurTech's end so that you could call the specific  endpoints to extract a part of the output (like Policy Summary, Insured Details, etc.) or else enter false if you want to immediately remove the  output file. The default value is assumed to be true.
      • In replace_code: Enter the value as true, if you wish to replace coded values in place of descriptive values, For instance,(as  AUTOP will appear as Private Passenger Automobile, and XLC will appear as Cancellation Confirmation). If false, the original coded values will  appear in the output.
      • In encrypted_output: Enter the value as true, if you want to get the encrypted output or else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
        If you enter the value as true in encrypted_output parameter, you will get the encrypted output. You can decrypt the output using your user_secret as key. Click here to know about decryption process
      • In remove_sign: Enter the value as true, if you want remove the dollar sign from the output file or else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
      • The maximum file size limit for this API is 1 MB.

      Postman Screenshot

      Sample Output


      Download AL3 Conversion Output

      Request Method: GET
      Endpoint: BaseURL /download-al3-conversion-output


      If the size of the output is 6MB or more than that, then instead of direct output, users will be notified in the output regarding the same. The users are required to use this endpoint to download the output of the required file.

      Postman Screenshot

      The output will be in a compressed format and users are required to save it to their disk with a filename having a .gz extension. Once the file is saved users are required to decompress it. Transaction Id is required to download the output.

      Sample Python Code to Unzip .gz Extension


      import gzip import shutil import requests import compress_json url = "" payload={'transaction_id': 'nu6tbt6bt-dy56-fgh656-vdrr55-asd2345fgds'} files=[] headers = {'user-secret': 'zcv3457h-as34-df54f-12sdf-nh675cggvtfvftv'} response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload, files=files) import gzip import shutil with open('geojson.gz','wb') as f: f.write(response.content) with'geojson.gz', 'rb') as gz_in: with open('geo.json', 'wb') as json_out: shutil.copyfileobj(gz_in, json_out)

      Postman Screenshot

      For Windows, kindly use Winzip to decompress the file.

      JSON extension needs to be provided in case it is not visible after decompressing.

      Callback Conversion

      Request Method: POST
      EndPoint: BaseURL /callBack-conversion

      This endpoint converts the Al3 File into JSON/ ams_map/ ams_map_raw/ ams_map1 and excel format. This endpoint provides the users with a complete response in these formats. Users must use this endpoint, in case their file size is more than 1 MB since the conversion endpoint will support the file less than or equal to 1 MB. So if users are looking forward to converting files of 1MB or more than that, they should call /the callBack-conversion endpoint. Also, users are required to give the callback URL as input to this endpoint since the generated response will be displayed and stored on the URL entered by the users.

      Input Parameters:

      Key (Body Parameter)


      Default Value


      eg: AUTOP_4_masked.al3



      eg: JSON/ams_map/ams_map_raw/ams_map1/excel






      eg: true/false



      eg: true/false



      eg: true/false



      eg: true/false



      eg: true/false



      eg: true/false



      eg: true/false



      eg: true/false


      • In input_file: Users need to upload the AL3 File, they want to convert.
        • In output_format: Users may opt for either JSON or ams_map or ams_map_raw or ams_map1 or excel.
        • In callback_url: The URL where the users are looking forward to storing the response.
        • In omit_blank_values: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the blank values from the output else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be true.
        • In omit_question_marks: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the elements containing question marks from the file else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be false.
        • In keep_alive: Enter the value as true if you want to keep the transaction Id alive else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
        • In replace_code: Enter the value as true if you are looking forward to replacing coded values with descriptive ones, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be true.
        • In split_file: Enter the value as true if you want to split the output file according to the number of policies else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
        • In encrypted_output: Enter the value as true, if you want to get the encrypted output or else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
          If you enter the value as true in encrypted_output parameter, you will get the encrypted output. You can decrypt the output using your user_secret as key. Click here to know about decryption process
        • In grouping: Enter the value as true if you want to pack transactions of same policy number into a single file, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
        • In remove_sign: Enter the value as true, if you want remove the dollar sign from the output file or else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
        • Postman Screenshot

        Callback Conversion S3 Output

        Request Method: POST
        EndPoint: BaseURL /callBack-conversion-s3output

        This endpoint converts the required AL3 File into JSON or ams_map or ams_map_raw or ams_map1 or excel and will display the complete response in the required format and the converted file will be uploaded to S3 Bucket. To upload the converted file to the S3 bucket, users need to fill in the valid credentials for s3_bucket_name,aws_acces_key, and aws_access_secret parameters.

        Input Parameters:

        Key (Body Parameter)


        Default Value


        eg: HOMEP_6_masked.al3



        eg: JSON/ams_map/ams_map_raw/ams_map1/excel






        eg: true/false



        eg: true/false



        eg: callback-response



        eg: DFGHYWE59KL66P



        eg: tjkd6rTYa6lSRu5R5SRPzL+BoPj2rcUyxL9bHJrty



        eg: json_files/



        eg: true/false



        eg: true/false



        eg: true/false



        eg: true/false



        eg: true/false



        eg: true/false


        • In input_file: Users need to upload the AL3 File, they want to convert.
          • In output_format: Users may opt for either JSON or ams_map or ams_map_raw or ams_map1 or excel.
          • In notification_url: URL to notify the users about the parsed file.
          • In omit_blank_values: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the blank values from the output else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be true.
          • In omit_question_marks: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the elements containing question marks from the file else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be false.
          • In s3_bucket_name: Name of the s3 bucket.
          • In aws_acces_key: Users are required to provide the AWS Access Key.
          • In aws_access_secret: Users are required to provide the AWS Secret Key.
          • In folder_path: The folder path in which users want to store their files.
          • In keep_alive: Enter the value as true if you want to keep the transaction Id alive else enter false. The default value is assumed to be true.
          • In replace_code: Enter the value as true if you are looking forward to replacing coded values with descriptive ones, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be true.
          • In add_additional_info: Enter the value as true if you want to get information regarding transaction id, number of policies and, file name in the file uploaded in the S3 bucket else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
          • In encrypted_output: Enter the value as true, if you want to get the encrypted output or else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
            If you enter the value as true in encrypted_output parameter, you will get the encrypted output. You can decrypt the output using your user_secret as key. Click here to know about decryption process
          • In grouping: Enter the value as true if you want to pack transactions of same policy number into a single file, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
          • In remove_sign: Enter the value as true, if you want remove the dollar sign from the output file or else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
          • Postman Screenshot

          Callback Conversion Azure

          Request Method: POST
          EndPoint: BaseURL /callBack-conversion-azure

          The users need to provide their input file's URL from Azure, and along with it, they need to provide the required access key. Consequently, this endpoint will help the users by providing them with the desired output in the required format.
          In case, the output size is 6MB or more than that, then the users will be notified in the output, regarding the same. In this scenario, the users are required to use the Download AL3 Conversion Output endpoint with the transaction id to download the output.

          Input Parameters:

          Key (Body Parameter)


          Default Value





          eg: 1sjngjskJHdUIKNQOEJPOJKWQPEK123==



          eg: JSON/ams_map/ams_map_raw/ams_map1/excel



          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false


        • In input_file_URL: Users need to provide the required file’s URL.
        • In account_key: Users need to provide the access key.
        • In output_format: Enter the desired output format among JSON, CSV, ams_map, ams_map_raw, ams_map1, or Excel.
        • In keep_alive: Enter the value as true if you want the output file to be saved for 2 hours at the WinsurTech end so that you could call the specific endpoints to extract a part of the output (like Policy Summary, Insured Details, etc.) or else enter false if you want to remove the output file immediately. The default value is true.
        • In replace_code: Enter the value as true if you want to replace coded values with descriptive values, For instance(AUTOP will appear as Private Passenger Automobile, and XLC will appear as Cancellation Confirmation). If false, the original code values will appear in the output.
        • In omit_blank_values: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the blank values, from the output else enter false. The default value is assumed to be true.
        • In omit_question_marks: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the elements containing question marks from the file else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be false.
        • In encrypted_output: Enter the value as true, if you want to get the encrypted output or else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
          If you enter the value as true in encrypted_output parameter, you will get the encrypted output. You can decrypt the output using your user_secret as key. Click here to know about decryption process
        • In grouping: Enter the value as true if you want to pack transactions of same policy number into a single file, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
        • In remove_sign: Enter the value as true, if you want remove the dollar sign from the output file or else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.

        • Postman Screenshot

          Callback Conversion S3

          Request Method: POST
          EndPoint: BaseURL /callBack-conversion-s3

          This endpoint converts the required AL3 File from the S3 bucket into JSON or ams_map or ams_map_raw or ams_map1 or excel and will display the complete response in the required format and the converted file will be uploaded to S3 Bucket. To upload the converted file to the S3 bucket,users need to provide their input file's URI from S3 Bucket and fill in the valid credentials for s3_bucket_name,aws_acces_key, and aws_access_secret parameters.

          Input Parameters:

          Key (Body Parameter)


          Default Value


          e.g: s3://conversion/AUTOC_6_masked.al3



          eg: JSON/ams_map/ams_map_raw/ams_map1/excel






          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false



          eg: callback-response



          eg: DFGHYWE59KL66P



          eg: tjkd6rTYa6lSRu5R5SRPzL+BoPj2rcUyxL9bHJrty



          eg: json_files/



          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false



          eg: true/false


          • In input_file_uri: Users need to provide their input file's URI from S3 Bucket.
            • In output_format: Users may opt for either JSON or ams_map or ams_map_raw or ams_map1 or excel.
            • In notification_url: URL to notify the users about the parsed file.
            • In omit_blank_values: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the blank values from the output else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be true.
            • In omit_question_marks: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the elements containing question marks from the file else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be false.
            • In s3_bucket_name: Name of the s3 bucket.
            • In aws_acces_key: Users are required to provide the AWS Access Key.
            • In aws_access_secret: Users are required to provide the AWS Secret Key.
            • In folder_path: The folder path in which users want to store their files.
            • In keep_alive: Enter the value as true if you want to keep the transaction Id alive else enter false. The default value is assumed to be true.
            • In replace_code: Enter the value as true if you are looking forward to replacing coded values with descriptive ones, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be true.
            • In add_additional_info: Enter the value as true if you want to get information regarding transaction id, number of policies and, file name in the file uploaded in the S3 bucket else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
            • In encrypted_output: Enter the value as true, if you want to get the encrypted output or else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
              If you enter the value as true in encrypted_output parameter, you will get the encrypted output. You can decrypt the output using your user_secret as key. Click here to know about decryption process
            • In grouping: Enter the value as true if you want to pack transactions of same policy number into a single file, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.
            • In remove_sign: Enter the value as true, if you want remove the dollar sign from the output file or else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.

            Postman Screenshot

            Sample Output


            Callback Transaction Status

            Request Method: POST
            EndPoint: BaseURL /get-callback-transaction-status

            This endpoint will let the users know about the transaction’s status,i.e., whether the transaction is passed or failed.

            Postman Screenshot

            Callback Transaction Output

            Request Method: POST
            EndPoint: BaseURL /get-callback-transaction-output

            This endpoint will display the entire output in the requested format. If a user wants to view the output in JSON format than the entire output is going to be displayed in the desired format. This endpoint generates the output in zip format.

            Postman Screenshot

              4. Convert AL3 to Elabels

            List Supported Forms

            Request Method: GET
            Endpoint: BaseURL /supported-forms


            This endpoint returns the list of supported ACORD Form names for AL3 to ELabels conversion. The “AL3 to Elables” endpoint can convert AL3 data into JSON matching the eLabels of one of these supported forms.

            Postman Screenshot

            AL3 to Elabels

            Request Method: POST
            Endpoint: BaseURL /al3-to-elabels


            This endpoint converts AL3 file data into Acord Form Elabels JSON format corresponding to the ACORD Form Name parameter value (form_name). It also provides a sample link to the corresponding PDF file filled with data (with the help of our product

            Users need to upload the AL3 file and fill in the required form number.

            Input Parameters:

            Key (Body Parameter)


            Default Value


            eg: ACORD_126.AL3



            eg: ACORD 0126 2014-04


            • In input_file: Users need to upload the required AL3 file which they want to convert.
            • In form_name: Users need to fill in the required form name from the list obtained through the BaseURL/supported-forms endpoint call.

            Postman Screenshot

            Sample Output


            Sample PDF

            Unable to display PDF file. Download instead.

              5. Code List Names and Values

            Code List Names

            Request Method: GET
            Endpoint: BaseURL /callback/code-list-names


            This API call will generate all the code list names, the response comprises al3_reference_id along with a description. You can copy the reference id from here and paste that to the next API (Code List Values)

            Postman Screenshot

            Code List Values

            Request Method: GET
            Endpoint: BaseURL /callback/code-list-values


            This API call will generate all the code list values of the specific reference ID you have entered and you can input the required code to the JSON file from the list. Also, the value"null" is not a code value it only depicts that the value could be left blank if needed, for that you should add the value {Blank} to it not"null".

            Input Parameters:

            Key (Body Parameter)


            Default Value


            eg: CBPUR


            Postman Screenshot

              6. Carrier Details

            Carrier Information

            Request Method: GET
            Endpoint: BaseURL /callback/carrier-search

            This endpoint will help you to get the information about the Carrier. The Output will comprise both the carrier's name and the NAIC code.

            Input Parameters:

            Key (Body Parameter)


            Default Value


            eg: 37885


            Postman Screenshot

            • Here the information of all the carriers matching the substring “123” is returned as an output.

              7. Active Plans Details

              Request Method: GET
              Endpoint: BaseURL /active_plans


              This endpoint provides information about subscribed plans. This endpoint uses a user_secret/access_token and returns plan details. It returns details like API name, plan name, plan start date, plan expiry date, total quota, and used quota.

              Input Parameters:

              Key (Body Parameter)


              Default Value


              eg: 3



              eg: true/false


              • In days: The value ranges between 1 to 30 days. It will show the quota used according to number of days.
              • In statistics: Enter the value as true if you want to get the quota used details of the last 3 months, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.

              Postman Screenshot

              8. API Quota Consumption Information

              a. These endpoints count the number of policies in each file that is uploaded. For example: If you convert an AL3 file with 10 policies, 10 will be added to your previously used quota after you make the call.

              b. This calculation is done for all the endpoints. In case of a failed transaction, the used quota is increased by 1.

              B. AL3 Creator API


              AL3 Creator API takes a CSV/JSON file as input and converts it to an ACORD AL3 file or DAT file. There is one endpoint to generate a CSV/JSON template for different lines of business and another endpoint to convert this template to an AL3 file. All you have to do is fill in available values in the “Value” column and upload the CSV/json back into our AL3 Creation endpoint to create the AL3 file. No need to fill values for the rows not applicable in your case. There are Code list endpoints and Carrier Name endpoints to help you further during the process of preparing the CSV/JSON.

              AL3 Creation Process is comprised of two steps:

              1. Template Generation & AL3 Creation: By using the endpoint (Template Generation) available in this collection users can get the CSV/JSON template for the Line of Business relevant to your Policy Transaction (or for DB Commission). Each CSV/JSON template contains one row per element (like for Policy Number, Effective Date, etc). Templates are available in a shorter & simpler format of important elements only, as well as in FULL format (which means all the possible elements for the LOB are shown in the template). You can also specify the count of transactions for the passed LOB while generating the template (by default it is 1).

              1. Create AL3 File:  Add values in the template that you have against the matching rows in the template. If you have fewer data fill in only that and leave the other rows blank. Then upload the data-filled CSV/JSON to the AL3 Creation endpoint and the resulting AL3 file comes back in the output. Your programmer can easily access the AL3 content in the JSON response and save it into a file with the extension of .AL3 or .DAT. If you test the API in Postman you can manually copy and paste the content (excluding double quotes) into notepad and save it.AL3 or. DAT file extension to test.

              Supported Lines of Business:

              Personal Line Of Business (use these codes while creating the template)

              Dwelling Fire - DFIREP

              Homeowners - HOMEP

              Inland Marine - INMARP

              Mobile Home - MHOMEP

              Watercraft- WATERCRAFTP

              Automobile - AUTOP

              Umbrella - UMBP

              Flood (Personal or Commercial) - FLOODP

              Personal Package - PKGP

              Header Groups - HEADER_GROUPS

              Commercial Line Of Business (use these codes while creating the template)

              Direct Bill Commission - DBC

              Business Automobile - AUTOC

              Worker’s Compensation - WCC

              Commercial General Liability - LIABC

              Property - PROPC

              Crime - CRIMEC

              Inland Marine - INMARC

              Garage & Dealers- GARAGEC

              Umbrella - UMBC

              Commercial Package- PKGC

              Business Owner’s Policy (BOP)-BOPC

              Commercial Package with BOP- PKGC_BOPC

              Agriculture/Farm Package- AGRIC

              • Agriculture/Farm Property- AGPR
              • Agriculture/Farm Scheduled & Unscheduled Personal Property- AGPP
              • Agriculture/Farm Liability- AGLIA
              • Commercial General Liability - LIABC
              • Business Automobile - AUTOC
              • Umbrella - UMBC
              • Inland Marine - INMARC
              • Homeowners- HOMEP
              • Boiler and Machinery- BMC
              • Heder Groups- HEADER_GROUPS

              1. Login


              This API endpoint allows the user to generate an access token for accessing the API.


              Request Method: GET
              Endpoint: BaseURL /login


              This endpoint enables the user to generate the access token to access the API. Users must provide email, password, and user-secret to generate the access token.

              Input Parameters:

              Key (Body Parameter)


              Default Value





              eg: demo@987



              eg: 738ee374g-o9hj-d284-808j-f8r0ijhk440


              In the Body Parameters (all required):

              • email: Enter your email ID provided for website login.
              • password: Enter the password provided for website login.
              • user_secret: Enter the user-secret provided on the website’s subscription page.

              Postman Screenshot

              2. Create AL3 Files from CSV/JSON

              Endpoint Information

              User Authentication:  Each Endpoint needs the USER_SECRET/ACCESS_TOKEN parameter in the HEADER while making the request

              a. Template Generation & AL3 Creation

              Generate Template

              Request Method: GET
              Endpoint: BaseURL /template

              This endpoint enables the users to get the Template for their required LOB. For Instance, if a user has to create an AL3 file for an AUTOP transaction, pass the AUTOP LOB, and Pass the JSON/CSV in Template type for Generating the Template. But users can pass any value for the Transaction Count. A user can pass a variable count of up to 50 if he or she has to pack data of multiple transactions in the same AL3 File. AL3 File also contains some Header Groups which surround the actual data. If users are not comfortable with the AL3 structure, keep the headgroups parameter to ‘No’ as our code can automatically add the header groups & elements with blank values. If users want to set data in header group elements also then pass it as Yes. By default, the value is 'No'. By default, the full format is set to false since we give you a shorter simpler template of the most common elements only for a particular LOB. AL3 File can contain several hundreds of elements and it may be confusing for your team but if you want the full format pass full_format=yes.

              Line of Business codes:

              Personal Line Of Business (use these codes while creating the template)

              Dwelling Fire - DFIREP

              Homeowners - HOMEP

              Inland Marine - INMARP

              Mobile Home - MHOMEP

              Watercraft- WATERCRAFTP

              Automobile- AUTOP

              Umbrella - UMBP

              Flood (Personal or Commercial) - FLOODP

              Personal Package - PKGP

              Header Groups - HEADER_GROUPS

              Commercial Line Of Business (use these codes while creating the template)

              Direct Bill Commission - DBC

              Business Automobile - AUTOC

              Worker’s Compensation - WCC

              Commercial General Liability - LIABC

              Property - PROPC

              Crime - CRIMEC

              Inland Marine - INMARC

              Garage & Dealers - GARAGEC

              Umbrella - UMBC

              Commercial Package - PKGC

              Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) - BOPC

              Commercial Package with BOP - PKGC_BOPC

              Agriculture/Farm Package- AGRIC

              • Agriculture/Farm Property- AGPR
              • Agriculture/Farm Scheduled & Unscheduled Personal Property- AGPP
              • Agriculture/Farm Liability- AGLIA
              • Commercial General Liability - LIABC
              • Business Automobile - AUTOC
              • Umbrella - UMBC
              • Inland Marine - INMARC
              • Homeowners- HOMEP
              • Boiler and Machinery- BMC
              • Heder Groups- HEADER_GROUPS

              Boiler & Machinery - BMC

              Header Groups - HEADER_GROUPS

              Input Parameters:

              Key (Body Parameter)


              Default Value


              eg: PKGP



              eg: 25



              eg: true/false



              eg: true/false



              Eg: CSV/JSON


              • In LOB: To obtain the required template, users must enter the required Line Of Business Code.
                • In transaction_count: Users are required to enter the required number of transactions. By default, the transaction count is 1. The users can add up to 50 transactions, maximum.
                • In header_groups: If true, it will include the header group elements in the generated template as well.
                  • In full_format: If passed true, the full format of the template will be generated, i.e. a template including all the possible AL3 elements for the passed LOB.
                  • In template_type: Users are required to enter the template type eg: CSV/JSON to generate the template.

                  • Postman screenshot

                    Here is the sample output of CSV output:

                    • In the above screenshot, the CSV template is generated for the Personal Homeowners Line of Business (HOMEP) with 1 transaction.
                    • In postman, save this response by clicking on Save Response  → Save to a file   and save it to your disk with .csv extension or .zip  extension in case of package policies.
                    • Add values to the CSV template and save it. This file can be uploaded in the next endpoint “Create Al3 File” to create an Al3 File.

                    Here is the sample output of JSON output:

                    • In the above screenshot, the JSON template is generated for the Personal Homeowners Line of Business (HOMEP) with 2 transactions.
                    • In postman, save this response by clicking on Save ResponseSave to a file and save it to your disk with .json extension or .zip extension in case of package policies.
                    • Add values to the JSON template and save it. This file can be uploaded in “Json to Al3” endpoint to create an Al3 File.

                    CSV to AL3

                    Request Method: POST
                    Endpoint: BaseURL /creation


                    Fill data in the template received from our Template API call (fill in whatever data you have and leave the rest of it blank, do not change the template columns or rows). One CSV template can also contain data from multiple transactions but not from different LOBs. For packing multiple transactions of different LOBs in the same AL3 file, upload a zip file containing all the CSV files packed in this ZIP. You can also optionally upload a HEADER file that contains the header groups only which are needed only once even if you pack multiple transactions in the same AL3 file. For getting the template (CSV file) for the HEADER groups use the LOB = HEADER_GROUPS with the Generate Template Endpoint. Upload the data-filled CSV file to this API endpoint and save the output contained in double quotes (“ “) to a notepad file on your disk with a .AL3 or .DAT extension.

                  Note: If you want to omit the question marks from the element then use {Blank} as the element value in the CSV file.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: .csv/.zip



                  eg: any header file



                  eg: true/false



                  eg: on/off



                  eg: true/false


                  • Input_file: Upload CSV/.ZIP file as an input file.
                  • Input_header_file: Upload a HEADER file that contains the header groups only.
                  • Contains_pkg_or_bopc: Enter true if the input file contains package or bopc, else enter false.
                  • Is_strict_mode: Enter ON/TRUE/ YES/ Y if the user wants the strict mode on, else enter OFF/ FALSE /NO /N. When Strict mode is ON/TRUE/YES it converts the file with all the necessary checks.
                  • In omit_question_marks: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the element values containing question marks from the file else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be false.

                  Postman Screenshot

                  • Here the HOMEP Template.csv is given as an input file and the data in the file is converted to an AL3 file.
                  • Save the output within “ “ to a notepad file on your disk with a .AL3 or .DAT extension.
                  • The Al3 file created can now be viewed in any AL3 viewer, links to our AL3 viewers have been mentioned above in the document.
                  • In omit_question_marks: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the elements containing question marks from the file else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be false.

                  JSON To AL3

                  Request Method: POST

                  Endpoint: BaseURL /json-to-al3


                  Fill data in the template received from Generate Template endpoint (fill in whatever data you have and leave the rest of it blank, do not change the structure of the json). The keys of the json should not be changed , only the values should be changed. Json template can also contain data from multiple transactions but not from different LOBs. For packing multiple transactions of different LOBs in the same AL3 file, upload a zip file containing all the json files packed in this zip. Upload the data-filled json .zip file (this endpoint accepts only zip files containing only json template) to this “JSON to AL3” endpoint and Save the output contained in double quotes (“ “) to a notepad file on your disk with a .AL3 or .DAT extension.

                  For generating the template for the HEADER groups use the LOB = HEADER_GROUPS in the Generate Template Endpoint and fill the JSON in the template_type parameter to generate the header group template for the JSON. To convert the file into an AL3 file, zip the generated header group template and JSON templates into a single zip file. If we want a separate header group for separate JSON files in such a case we will zip them separately and then pack all the zip into a single zip file. One zip file can contain only one header group template. For instance, If we want a separate header group for one JSON, a separate header group for two JSON files, and a separate header group for multiple JSON files. In that case, we will zip the header group template and one JSON file into a single zip file, zip the header group template, and two JSON files into a single zip file, and Zip the header group template and Multiple JSON into a single zip file. Now pack all three zip files into one single zip and upload it on Json to AL3 Endpoint to convert it into AL3 file.

                  Note: If you want to omit the question marks from the element then use {Blank} as the element value in the JSON file.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: .zip



                  eg: on/off



                  eg: true/false


                  • Input_file: Upload .ZIP file as an input file.
                  • Is_strict_mode: Enter ON/TRUE/ YES/ Y if the user wants the strict mode on, else enter OFF/ FALSE /NO /N. When Strict mode is ON/TRUE/YES it converts the file with all the necessary checks.
                  • In omit_question_marks: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the element values containing question marks from the file else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be false.
                  Postman Screenshot
                  • Here the homep is given as an input file and the data in the file is converted to an AL3 file.
                  • Save the output contained in “ “ to a notepad file on your disk with a .AL3 or .DAT extension.
                  • The Al3 file created can now be viewed in any AL3 viewer, links to our AL3 viewers have been mentioned above in the document.

                  **This endpoint accepts input file of size maximum 150 Kb**

                  CSV Callback Creator

                  Request Method: POST
                  Endpoint: BaseURL /callBack-creator


                  In contrast to 'CSV to AL3 File Endpoint,' a user can use Callback Creator to generate a file for the number of transactions required. This endpoint will not interrupt the file creation cycle, and would instead deliver the requested volume of transactions and output in zip format. For instance, assume a user wants to generate a file containing 100 transactions. This endpoint will revert the user's desired output in zip format. users can copy the transaction id from the output message, and use that transaction id in the callback transaction status to see the status of the al3 file and use the same transaction Id in the callback transaction output to download the generated al3 file.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: HOMEP_masked.al3



                  eg: HEADER_GROUPS



                  eg: true/false






                  eg: on/off



                  eg: true/false


                  • Input_file: Upload CSV/.ZIP file as an input file.
                  • Input_header_file: Upload a HEADER file that contains the header groups only.
                  • Contains_pkg_or_bopc: Enter true if the input file contains package or bopc, else enter false.
                  • Callback_url: The URL where the users are looking forward to storing the response.
                  • Is_strict_mode: Enter ON/TRUE/ YES/ Y if the user wants the strict mode on, else enter OFF/ FALSE /NO /N. When Strict mode is ON/TRUE/YES it converts the file with all the necessary checks.
                  • In omit_question_marks: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the element values containing question marks from the file else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be false.

                  JSON Callback Creator

                  Request Method: POST

                  Endpoint: BaseURL /json-to-al3-callback


                  In contrast to 'JSON to Al3 Endpoint,' a user can use JSON Callback Creator to generate a file for the number of transactions required. This endpoint will not interrupt the file creation cycle, and would instead deliver the requested volume of transactions and output in zip format. For instance, assume a user wants to generate a file containing 100 transactions. This endpoint will revert the user's desired output in zip format. The users can copy the transaction id from the output message, and use that transaction id in the callback transaction status to see the status of the AL3 file and use the same transaction id in the callback transaction output to download the generated al3 file.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: HOMEP_masked.al3






                  eg: on/off



                  eg: al3/dat



                  eg: homep



                  eg: true/false


                  • Input_file: Upload .ZIP file as an input file.
                  • Callback_url: The URL where the users are looking forward to storing the response.
                  • Is_strict_mode: Enter ON/TRUE/ YES/ Y if the user wants the strict mode on, else enter OFF/ FALSE /NO /N. When Strict mode is ON/TRUE/YES it converts the file with all the necessary checks.
                  • File_extension: Pass your preference of the file extension type eg:al3/dat. File with this extension only will be created.
                  • Output_file_name: Pass your preference of the output file name. File with this name only will be created.
                  • In omit_question_marks: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the element values containing question marks from the file else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be false.

                  **This endpoint accepts input file of size maximum of 10 MB**

                  Postman Screenshot

                  JSON to AL3 Callback S3 Output

                  Request Method: POST

                  Endpoint: BaseURL /json-to-al3-callback-s3output


                  This endpoint can convert the JSON file of a maximum of 10 MB into .AL3 or .DAT will display the complete response in the required format and the converted file will be uploaded to S3 Bucket. To upload the converted file to the S3 bucket, users need to fill in the valid credentials for s3_bucket_name, aws_acces_key, and aws_access_secret parameters. users can copy the transaction id from the output message, and use that transaction id in the callback transaction status to see the status of the al3 file and use the same transaction Id in the callback transaction output to download the generated al3 file.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: HOMEp.json



                  eg: .al3 or dat



                  Eg: Testing



                  eg: https://83hg65yhlobs56lrclnknkjviud56ojlk0okpag




                  eg: on/off



                  eg: callback-response



                  eg: DFGHYWE59KL66P



                  eg: tjkd6rTYa6lSRu5R5SRPzL+BoPj2rcUyxL9bHJrty



                  eg: json_files/



                  eg: true/false


                  • Input_file: Upload .ZIP file as an input file.
                  • File_extension: Pass your preference of the file extension type eg: al3 or dat. File with this extension only will be created.
                  • Output_file_name: Pass your preference of the output file name. File with this name only will be created.
                  • notification_url: notification_url.
                  • Is_strict_mode: Enter ON/TRUE/ YES/ Y if the user wants the strict mode on, else enter OFF/ FALSE /NO /N. when strict mode is ON/TRUE/YES it converts the file with all the necessary checks.
                  • In s3_bucket_url: Name of the s3 bucket.
                  • In aws_acces_key: Users are required to provide the AWS Access Key.
                  • In aws_access_secret: Users are required to provide the AWS Secret Key.
                  • In folder_path: The folder path in which users want to store their files.
                  • In omit_question_marks: Enter the value as true if you want to omit the element values containing question marks from the file else enter false. The default value is  assumed to be false.
                  Postman Screenshot

                  Callback Transaction Status

                  Request Method: POST
                  EndPoint: BaseURL /creator/get-callback-transaction-status

                  This endpoint will let the users know about the transaction’s status,i.e., whether the transaction is passed or failed.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parmaeter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: 6n47cc7b-9mc9-4d89-8d71-93p4ff27bbe9


                  Postman Screenshot

                  Callback Transaction Output

                  Request Method: POST
                  EndPoint: BaseURL /creator/get-callback-transaction-output

                  This endpoint will display the entire output in the requested format. If a user wants to view the output in JSON format then the entire output is going to be displayed in the desired format. This endpoint generates the output in zip format.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parmaeter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: 5k89cc6b-8pg9-3d75-6j91-64h5ff27bbe9


                  Postman Screenshot

                  2. Code List Names and Values

                  Code List Names

                  Request Method: GET
                  Endpoint: BaseURL /al3creator/code-list-names


                  This API call will generate all the code list names, the response comprises al3_reference_id along with a description. Users can copy the reference id from here and paste that to the next API (Code List Values).

                  Postman Screenshot

                  Code List Values

                  Request Method: GET
                  Endpoint: BaseURL /al3creator/code-list-values


                  This API call will generate all the code list values of the specific reference ID you have entered and you can input the required code to the CSV file from the list. Also, the value "null" is not a code value it only depicts that the value could be left blank if needed, for that you should add the value {Blank} to it not "null".

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parmaeter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: INTCD


                  Postman Screenshot

                  Here “CBPUR” is passed as input and all the codes that can be used are returned.

                  3. Carrier Details

                  Carrier Information

                  Request Method: GET
                  Endpoint: BaseURL /al3creator/carrier-search

                  This endpoint will help users to get all the essential details about the Carrier. The generated output contains the Carrier Name and NAIC Code for the carrier that matches the substring entered.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: 27944


                  Postman Screenshot

                  3. Active Plans Details

                  Request Method: GET
                  Endpoint: BaseURL /active_plans


                  This endpoint provides information about subscribed plans. This endpoint uses a user_secret/access_token and returns plan details. It returns details like API name, plan name, plan start date, plan expiry date, total quota, and used quota.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: 3



                  eg: true/false


                  • In days: The value ranges between 1 to 30 days. It will show the quota used according to number of days.
                  • In statistics: Enter the value as true if you want to get the quota used details of the last 3 months, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.

                  Postman Screenshot

                  4. API Quota Consumption Information

                  a. For the Generation of CSV TEMPLATE Endpoint, the quota used is increased by 1.

                  b. Create an AL3 File Endpoint that counts the number of Policies (Transactions) that are being converted into a single AL3 file.
                  For instance, If a user converts a file with 10 policies (transactions), 10 will be added to the user’s previously used quota after they convert the file to AL3.

                  C. Claims Messages and eDocs API


                  Claims, Messages, and eDocs API makes it possible to extract data from the Claims download file to JSON format with easy-to-understand JSON keys, and also to extract images and documents embedded inside the Claim files.

                  1. Login


                  This API endpoint allows the user to generate an access token for accessing the API.


                  Request Method: GET
                  Endpoint: BaseURL /login


                  This endpoint enables the user to generate the access token to access the API. Users must provide email, password, and user-secret to generate the access token.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value





                  eg: demo@987



                  eg: 738ee374g-o9hj-d284-808j-f8r0ijhk440


                  In the Body Parameters (all required):

                  • email: Enter your email ID provided for website login.
                  • password: Enter the password provided for website login.
                  • user_secret: Enter the user-secret provided on the website’s subscription page.

                  Postman Screenshot

                  2. Claims/Acord XML to JSON

                  With the help of these endpoints Claims Messages and other eDocs can be converted into JSON format, effortlessly. Along with this, users are able to pull the required attachments.

                  Conversion to JSON

                  Request Method: POST
                  EndPoint: BaseURL /acord-xml/conversion-to-json

                  This endpoint enables the users to convert Claims/ACORD XML files into JSON output format making it easy for the users to understand the content contained within the Claims/ACORD XML files. A unique attachment Id will be provided once the users convert their Claims/ACORD XML Files into their desired format. This attachment Id is used to extract the attachment files present in the user's provided input file.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: xyz.dat



                  eg: true/false



                  eg: json/json_raw


                  • In the Body Parameters (all required): Input_file: Upload a valid Claims/ACORD XML file.
                  • In replace_code: Enter the value as true if you want to replace coded values with descriptive values. otherwise, enter false in case the coded value is required. The default value is assumed to be true.
                  • In output_format: This parameter returns the output in JSON and JSON_RAW formats. By default, it returns the output in JSON format.

                  Sample JSON for ActivityNoteRs file:


                  Sample JSON for AlertDownloadRs file:


                  Sample JSON for ClaimDownloadRs file:


                  Pull Attachment

                  Request Method: GET
                  Endpoint: BaseURL /acord-xml/attachment


                  This endpoint is used to extract a particular attachment file from a Claims/ACORD XML file using the unique attachment_id received in the output. The attachment is saved in a .zip format.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: 1aa4a459-050b-4126-90f6-333bc507f30a



                  eg: 8971fea0-e4ac-4c54-9bc6-5b926dc9c2b



                  eg: true/false


                    In the Body Parameter:
                  • transaction_id (required): Transaction id received from “Conversion to Json” api endpoint in elabel json output.
                  • attachment_id (required): Attachment id received from “Conversion to Json” api endpoint in elabel json output.
                  • delete_after_fetch (optional): True, if you want to download the attachment only once.

                  Conversion to JSON S3

                  Request Method: POST
                  Endpoint: BaseURL /acord-xml/conversion-to-json-s3


                  This endpoint converts the required Claims/ACORD XML files from the S3 bucket into JSON or JSON_RAW and will display the complete response in the required format and the converted file and attachments will be uploaded to the S3 Bucket. To upload the converted file to the S3 bucket, users need to provide their input file's URI from the S3 Bucket and fill in the valid credentials for s3_bucket_name,aws_acces_key, and aws_access_secret parameters.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  e.g: s3://conversion/claimdownloads.xml



                  eg: Json/Json_raw



                  eg: true/false



                  eg: DFGHYWE59KL66P



                  eg: tjkd6rTYa6lSRu5R5SRPzL+BoPj2rcUyxL9bHJrty



                  eg: response



                  eg: json_files/



                  eg: true/false


                  • In input_file_uri: Users need to provide their input file's URI from S3 Bucket.
                  • In output_format: Users may opt for either JSON or JSON_RAW.
                  • In replace_code: Enter the value as true if you are looking forward to replacing coded values with descriptive ones, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be true.
                  • In aws_acces_key: Users are required to provide the AWS Access Key.
                  • In aws_access_secret: Users are required to provide the AWS Secret Key.
                  • In s3_bucket_name: Name of the s3 bucket.
                  • In folder_path: The folder path in which users want to store their files.
                  • In compress: Enter the value as true if you want to compress the attachment file, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be true

                  Postman Screenshot

                  Conversion to JSON S3 Output

                  Request Method: POST
                  Endpoint: BaseURL /acord-xml/conversion-to-json-s3output


                  This endpoint converts the required Claims/ACORD XML files into Json or JSON_RAW and will display the complete response in the required format and the converted file and attachments will be uploaded to the S3 Bucket. To upload the converted file to the S3 bucket, users need to provide their input file's URI from the S3 Bucket and fill in the valid credentials for s3_bucket_name,aws_acces_key, and aws_access_secret parameters.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  e.g: claimdownloads.xml



                  eg: Json/Json_raw



                  eg: true/false



                  eg: DFGHYWE59KL66P



                  eg: tjkd6rTYa6lSRu5R5SRPzL+BoPj2rcUyxL9bHJrty



                  eg: response



                  eg: json_files/



                  eg: true/false


                  • In input_file: Users need to upload the Claims/ACORD XML file, which they want to convert.
                  • In output_format: Users may opt for either JSON or JSON_RAW.
                  • In replace_code: Enter the value as true if you are looking forward to replacing coded values with descriptive ones, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be true.
                  • In aws_acces_key: Users are required to provide the AWS Access Key.
                  • In aws_access_secret: Users are required to provide the AWS Secret Key.
                  • In s3_bucket_name: Name of the s3 bucket.
                  • In folder_path: The folder path in which users want to store their files.
                  • In compress: Enter the value as true if you want to compress the attachment file, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be true

                  Postman Screenshot

                  3. JSON to Claims/Acord XML

                  Create Template

                  Request Method: GET
                  EndPoint: BaseURL /acord-xml/create-template

                  This endpoint enables the users to generate a template in JSON format for creating ClaimdownloadRs, AlertDownloadRs, or ActivityNoteRs XML files. There is one template for each of these services. In the input, pass ClaimdownloadRs, AlertDownloadRs, or ActivityNoteRs as file_type depending on which file you want to create. Once you get the JSON format, you need to fill in the values and connect blocks with parent_id. Give a "unique_id": to every block and then connect the blocks for a relationship using the parent_id key. Once you have prepared the JSON, you can input it to the next endpoint /acord-xml/json-to-xml, which will create the final XML file.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: ClaimdownloadRs


                  • In file_type parameter: To obtain the required template, users must enter the required response type.

                  Sample JSON for ClaimDownloadRs file:


                  Sample JSON for AlertDownloadRs file:


                  Sample JSON for ActivityNoteRs file:


                  JSON to XML

                  Request Method: POST
                  EndPoint: BaseURL /acord-xml/json-to-xml

                  This endpoint enables the users to convert JSON files into XML output format. Once you have filled in the data in the JSON template obtained from the '/acord-xml/create-template' endpoint, save this under any file name with the .json extension. Then upload this file here in the '/acord-xml/json-to-xml' endpoint under the 'input_file' parameter and it will be converted to ACORD XML format. If you want to embed PDF files (eDocs) within the XML then zip the PDFs and pass that zip file under the parameter 'input_pdf' and those PDF files will also be embedded into the XML output. But do ensure that you correctly provide the attachment information for each PDF in the template under the 'FileAttachmentInfo' block in JSON.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: ClaimdownloadRs.json





                  • In input_file: Upload the valid JSON file as an input file.
                  • In input_pdf: To attach the Attachment with an XML file, upload your zip file containing the PDF file.

                  Postman Screenshot

                  3. Active Plans Details

                  Request Method: GET
                  Endpoint: BaseURL /active_plans


                  This endpoint provides information about subscribed plans. This endpoint uses a user_secret/access_token and returns plan details. It returns details like API name, plan name, plan start date, plan expiry date, total quota, and used quota.

                  Input Parameters:

                  Key (Body Parameter)


                  Default Value


                  eg: 3



                  eg: true/false


                  • In days: The value ranges between 1 to 30 days. It will show the quota used according to number of days.
                  • In statistics: Enter the value as true if you want to get the quota used details of the last 3 months, else enter false. The default value is assumed to be false.

                  Postman Screenshot

                  3. API Quota Consumption Information

                  a. For Conversion to Json Endpoint - the used quota is increased by the number of Requests. For example: If you convert a file with 10 requests, then 10 will be added to your previously used quota after you make the call.

                  b. For Pull Attachment Endpoint - the used quota is updated by 1 for every call. In case of a failed transaction, the used quota is increased by 1.

                  To check your used limit go to Subscriptions